About sunny bank prs

Our Values


Sunny Bank PRS’s aim is to provide appropriate accommodation and client-centred mental health social care, support, recovery and personalisation to men and women, primarily from the Bury area, who are experiencing medium to long-term mental health problems.

Due to the nature of these difficulties they require trained and experienced professional care/support, in homely, supportive environments, which will enable them to achieve more independent and responsible lives within society, and maximise their potential.

Our philosophy is based on:

  • Our own individual and collective, personal and professional standards, as well as those identified within the following recognised guidelines for social care.
  • Health and Social Care Act 2008.
  • The Quality Assessment Framework (QAF) For Supporting People Strategy.

(Although Acres View is not funded by Supporting People, we feel it is important to operate within a recognised quality system).

General Principles Of Care/Support

A homely, non-institutional environment should be established and maintained wherever possible. The attainment of high and appropriate quality of care/support and professional practice should be constantly sought by all staff, and appropriate methods of monitoring and evaluation regularly occur.

Our values are based on the principles of citizenship, and these are the fundamental rights associated with ordinary living: -

  • Dignity
  • Choice
  • Privacy
  • Independence
  • Individuality
  • Fulfilment
  • Rights

Clients’ independence, self-confidence/esteem and level of responsibility should be encouraged constantly.

Individualised holistic care/support plans with regular evaluation and modification must be established and maintained, and the concept of joint working.

Whatever the setting, our aim is to: -

  • Encourage the clients’ access to community facilities and services.
  • Provide either intensive, or ongoing (re)habilitative care and support.

The emphasis is on daily living needs, the range and scope of which is determined by: -

  • Needs identified with the client
  • The professional assessment, and person centred.

The care/support planning process and the nature of activities and interventions, is centred around the clients’ agreed needs and goals, and involves key people and agencies within their lifestyle. The nature of the Service requires the client’s active agreement and participation, to increase the likelihood of them achieving more independent and fulfilling lifestyles.

Sunny Bank PRS acknowledges that the clients’ carers may have their own identified needs, and hence by caring for/supporting their relatives, they will (in)directly benefit.

Clients’ friendship patterns and family contacts should be appropriately maintained and promoted. The concept of active participation and involvement by clients within their own home should be encouraged. A professional attitude towards clients and all personnel involved with Sunny Bank PRS must be maintained at all times.

Clients and staff should be able and encouraged to contribute to the running and development of Sunny Bank PRS. Co-operation, dignity, courtesy and mutual respect between staff and clients and vice-versa, should be encouraged at all times. A supportive relationship between staff and clients should be encouraged. Teamwork amongst staff should be encouraged at all times, including with outside agencies.

Communication links concerning professional matters and all aspects of clients’ care/support should be established and maintained with the various community support Services (including Health, Social Services, leisure and education).

All staff should be supported and encouraged to further their own professional knowledge and skills.

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